Welcome to the Professional Association of Nurse Travelers!

We are open to all in the travel industry despite our name, and the vast majority of content is relevant to all healthcare travelers. We offer a Basic Membership (free registration required) and as we also offer a paid membership for additional content and services, navigating around can be a little confusing. Content is not currently listed by membership type (upgrade planned for later this year). An ever growing amount of content and resources is available to all registered members.


This is your page and lists everything currently available to Basic Members!


Front Page

Any articles excerpted on the Front Page, including restricted articles, are open to read by all. If a "Read more" link appears, clicking it will take you to the full text of the article. Some content will be closed when taken off the Front Page so check back often! We will rotate front page content from time to time.



About Us / Our Mission

Terms of Service / Privacy Policy

My Account / Upgrade  

Membership information


Association Forum

This forum is open to all, but does require a second free sign up the first time you visit. Please note that due to a technical glitch, logging in is required see that any posts have been made. Once you sign up, all threads are available to read and post to - there really are threads there! The forum discusses content, issues, and services of the Association. There is a thread there for every article - and since the first post in a thread excerpts the article, it is a good way to get a taste for what that article offers in content for Full members.



Currently, everything in this category is available to Basic members. Future content may be restricted.  For example, some advanced features of the Calculator are now under development for Full members.  The basic Travelers Calculator will always be available for Basic members.

Traveler's Calculator

Calculator Quick Guide

Calculator Manual

State Boards

Compact License

Large Agencies

PBDS information



Legal Services



Unemployment benefits

Non compete FAQ

Case study: Non competes

Meet your Legal Team

GroupOne blacklist

Legal blacklists

Background/credit checks




The buzz about tax deductions  

IRS Per Diem Rate Tables



Traveling Basics

Becoming a Traveler

Finding an agency

The agency interview

The facility interview

What to take on assignment

Communications on the Road

All about completion bonuses

Overseas Government Jobs




Everything published in this category is available to all members and visitors.

Agencies and blacklists 

Hall of Shame: Aureus Nursing

Recession strategies for travelers

First Anniversary Report!

Health insurance for our members

Strangers in our Midst

Do travelers reduce staff pay?  

Nurse traveler research study


Political Action  

Legislative news

Letter to Congress in support of amending the Fair Credit Reporting Act (to end a loophole for employment blacklists). Please show your support by writing your congressional representative (links in article).


Healthcare Headlines

Thank You 

Useful Links  


Articles needed

If interested in contributing, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.